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Biographies M

 Following are some biographies of families who at one time or another lived in Henry Co. Illinois. In some cases it is the grandparent, parent, sibling, spouse or child who was a Henry Co. resident so please read carefully!


M. Howard Machesney is one of the respected and representative citizens of Annawan Township, his home being on the southwest quarter of Section 17. His financial condition relieves him from the necessity of further active labor so that he is practically living retired, although he still gives his supervision to the management of his property interests. His birth occurred at the family home on Section 29, Annawan Township, June 3, 1870, his parents being James and Selinda (Burgett) Machesney. The father was born in Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, March 17, 1817, and was a son of Andrew and Mary (Henderson) Machesney. The family is of Irish origin and was founded in America by Mr. And Mrs. William Machesney, the great-grandparents of our subject, who crossed the Atlantic in 1786 and spent their remaining days in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, the death of William Machesney there occurring in 1825. Andrew Machesney was a child of only four years at the time of the emigration to the new world, and under the parental roof he spent his boyhood days and was reared in the occupation of farming, which he made his life work. He removed from Pennsylvania to Ohio, where he lived for two years, but at the expiration of that period returned to the former state, his death occurring in Greensburg in 1864 when he had reached the age of eighty-two years. His wife survived until January, 1868, and died at the age of seventy-two years. She was a native of Pennsylvania and of Scotch descent.

James Machesney was reared to manhood in Westmoreland county, where he acquired a good common-school education. He came to Illinois in 1854 with his brother, David Machesney, who was a physician, and in 1855, James Machesney opened a drug store in Annawan, where he continued business until 1860. Before coming to Illinois he had worked by the month for two years, and when he started out at the end of that time he had sixty dollars, which he put out at interest. From that time until his death there was never a year in which he did not have money out at interest. He was very careful in making loans, so that he never suffered losses, and in his business management was so successful that when he disposed of the drug store he had a capital of eight thousand dollars. He then began to buy land, his first purchase being one hundred and twenty acres east of Annawan. When favorable opportunity presented he continued to invest in real estate and eventually became the owner of eight hundred and eighty acres of valuable land, all in Annawan Township. He was a man of marked enterprise and unabating energy, and his business ability and keen discrimination were evidenced in the splendid success which he achieved. He was married January 30, 1861, to Mrs. Selinda Johnson, nee Burgett, a native of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, and a daughter of Silas and Sarah (Henderson) Burgett, who were natives of Ohio but died in Indiana. Mrs. Machesney came to Illinois with her first husband, and following his death she gave her hand in marriage to James Machesney. They began their domestic life on Section 29 Annawan Township, Henry County, where they continued to reside throughout their remaining days. They were the parents of five children: Mary Agnes, the wife of Joseph Anderson, a resident of Annawan Township; Anna Ardelia, the wife of James Douglas, a resident of Annawan; James Henderson, who married Minnie Booth and lives in Annawan; M. Howard, of this review; and Morgan Burgett, who wedded Nora Batten and lives in Annawan.

The father, James Machesney, was a republican in politics after the organization of that party. His first presidential vote was case for Zachary Taylor. He and his wife were members of the United Brethren Church at Fairview, in Annawan Township. His death occurred on the old home farm March 13, 1903, while his widow passed away in the succeeding fall and was laid to rest by his side in the Fairview Cemetery. He was truly a self-made man, who worked his way steadily upward by his energy and diligence, allowing no obstacle nor difficulty to bar his path if it could be overcome by honest and persistent effort.

M. Howard Machesney spent his boyhood days on the home farm, the duties and labors of the fields early becoming familiar to him as he assisted in their development through the periods of vacation, while through the school year he pursued his education in the district school. Having arrived at years of maturity he sought a helpmate for life's journey, being married on the 28th of December 1893, in Annawan Township to Miss Dencie Barton, who was born in Burns Township and is a daughter of George and Jane Barton. Two children graced this union: James, who was born in Annawan Township, July 3, 1896, and Lois, born February 11, 1899.

Mr. Machesney carried on farming in connection with his father until the latter's death. He afterward inherited one hundred and seventy-six acres of the estate and now has one hundred and eighty-six acres of very valuable and productive land, which returns to him a gratifying and substantial annual income. In 1908 he erected upon his farm a beautiful modern residence, thirty-two by thirty-two feet, two stories in height with basement. It is supplied with steam heat, a carbide system of lighting, hot and cold water, with automatic pressure. In fact, none of the equipment of a model home is lacking, and it is one of the most convenient, comfortable and attractive residences in Annawan Township—a fitting abode for one whose well spent life entitles him to the high regard of his fellow citizens in this community. He votes with the republican party but never seeks office as a reward for party fealty. He belongs to the Knights of Pythias Lodge at Annawan and the Modern Woodmen Camp, while his wife is a member of the United Brethren Church at Fairview. They occupy a prominent position in social circles, and their home is the abode of a warm-hearted and generous hospitality which is greatly enjoyed by their many friends.

Source: "History of Henry County Illinois", by Henry L. Kiner, Volume II, Chicago: Pioneer Publishing Co, 1910

Submitted by: Alice Gless


Morgan Burgett Machesney, a progressive and enterprising agriculturist residing on Section 29, Annawan Township, was born in the house where he now lives, and the farm which he cultivates has been his place of abode from his birth to the present time. His natal day was July 6, 1874. His parents, James and Selinda (Burgett) Machesney, are mentioned at greater length in connection with the sketch of M. Howard Machesney, a brother of our subject.

Morgan B. Machesney received a good common-school education and grew to manhood under the parental roof. When twenty-one years of age he began to farm a part of his father's land and has thus been actively identified with agricultural interests to the present time, his labors in the fields being annually rewarded by bounteous harvests of golden grain. The neat and attractive appearance of the place indicates his careful supervision and practical and progressive methods, and he is widely recognized as one of the energetic and up-to-date farmers of the community.

On the 7th of September, 1898, in Annawan Township, Mr. Machesney was united in marriage to Miss Nora Batten, a native of that township and a daughter of James and Julia Ann (Blin) Batten. They now have four children, namely: Lawrence E., who was born on the 6th of March, 1900; Bernice Irene, whose birth occurred July 21, 1901, Lewis Glenn, whose natal day was June 24, 1904; and Gladys, born October 4, 1905.

Mr. Machesney cast his first presidential ballot for William McKinley in 1896 and has always supported the men and measures of the Republican Party. He is now serving as a school director but has not been an office seeker, preferring to concentrate his energies upon his private affairs. Fraternally he is identified with the Modern Woodmen of America and the Knights of Pythias of Annawan. Both he and his wife are widely and favorably known throughout the county in which their entire lives have been spent, the circle of their friends being almost coextensive with the circle of their acquaintances.

Source: "History of Henry County Illinois", by Henry L. Kiner, Volume II, Chicago: Pioneer Publishing Co, 1910

Contributed by: Alice Gless


Dr. W. T. Machesney was born on the 16th of September, 1850 in West Moreland (sic) county, Pennsylvania. He is the son of John and Sarah (McCullough) Machesney. In 1872 he went to Annawan, Illinois, where he studied medicine under 0. W. Newell for one year. He then attended the college of physicians and surgeons at Keokuk, Iowa, and graduated on the 16th of June, 1874, with the highest honors. He then moved to Saline, Jefferson county, Iowa, and began the practice of medicine, and there remained until 1881, when he went to Perlee, Jefferson county, and was engaged in the drug business in connection with his practice, and a firm known as Machesney & Foote was organized, Mr. Foote being a brother-in-law. Here they met with good success, and in 1882 they moved their stock to Bagley, Guthrie county where they have become among the most prominent men, and are doing a successful business. Mr. Machesney was married in Jefferson county, Iowa, on the 9th of May, 1878, to Miss Rosa E. Foote, a daughter of Mary E. and J. B. Foote. They have one child--J. Ray, born on the 7th of February, 1879. Mr. M. is a prominent member of the Pioneer legion of honor, No. 142, having been initiated in February, 1883, and is at present the president of the school board.

Source: History of Guthrie and Adair Counties, Iowa; Springfield, Ill: Continental Hist. Co., 1884 Guthrie Co.


Henry C. Madden, for more tham a third of a century has practiced at the Muscatine bar and his record in connection therewith is a credit to the profession. He was born in this city October 5, 1854, a son of Henry and Jane E. (Templeton) Madden, the former a native of Perry county, Pennsylvania, while the latter was born near Wooster in Wayne county, Ohio. The Madden family is of Irish origin. The paternal grandfather of Henry C. Madden was Jeremiah Madden, a native of Pennsylvania, who for many years was an associate justice of the courts of Perry county, that state. He died at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1869, at the advanced age of seventy-seven years and fourteen days, while his wife, who bore the maiden name of Susanna Rehm, passed away at the age of seventy-nine years. In their family were nine children : Matilda, Joseph, James, John, Henry, Jeremiah, Jesse, William F. and Richard R.The maternal grandfather of Henry C. Madden was John Templeton, an early settler of Wayne county, Ohio, who was also a pioneer of Iowa, settling in Jefferson county, this state, in 1839. A residence of two decades there brought him to the year 1859, when he passed away at the age of eighty. He had devoted his life to farming in support of his family. His wife, who in her maidenhood was Elizabeth Tarr, was also eighty years of age at her death, which occurred in 1864. They were the parents of three children: Charlotte K., Catharine and Jane E. By a former marriage with with Elizabeth A. Steele, Mr. Templeton also had several children.

Henry Madden, the father of Henry C. Madden, was a carpenter and contractor who in the year 1849 became a resident of Muscatine, Iowa, where he spent his remaining days. He died in September, 1900, at the age of eighty-two years, having for only nine days survived his wife, who passed away at the age of seventy-six. She held membership in the Methodist church and Mr. Madden also attended the services. He was a soldier of the Civil war for three years as a member of Company A, Eleventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry, participated in the Atlanta campaign and in a number of hotly contested engagements.

Henry C. Madden is the only survivor of a family of seven children, the others having all died in infancy. He was reared in Muscatine and attended the public schools, after which he began clerking in a dry goods store, where he remained for three years. He also followed carpentering for three years in connection with his father but believing he would find a professional career more congenial, he took up the study of law in Muscatine and was admitted to the bar on the 22d of February, 1876, since which time he has continuously practiced. Experiences and continued study have promoted his ability and he has long since ranked with the able representatives of the profession in this county. He prepares his cases with thoroughness, presents his cause in clear and logical manner and the force of his arguments seldom fails to gain the verdict desired.

On the 15th of November, 1882, Mr. Madden was married to Miss Minnie J. Lodge, who was born in Cedar county, Iowa, a daughter of Benjamin S. and Mary A. (Wiley) Lodge, who were natives of Ohio but became pioneer residents of Cedar county, Iowa. She comes of good Revolutionary stock, her paternal great-grandfather, Benjamin Lodge, who was born March 28, 1749, having served as captain in the war for independence. His son Samuel Lodge, the grandfather of Mrs. Madden, was born in Westmoreland county Pennsylvania, December 20, 1700, and died in Henry county, Illinois, January 11 1864. He was married March 3, 1825, to Jane S. McCord, who was born April 10,1804, either in Mercer county Pennsylvania, or across the line in Trumbull county, Ohio. Their son, Benjamin S. Lodge, who was Mrs. Madden's father, was born in Greenville, Mercer county, Pennsylvania, December 25, 1825, and died in Wilton, Iowa, June 21, 1868. His wife afterward went to Maryland, where her last days were passed. Their family numbered four children: Ida M., the wife of Oliver DeLisle; Charles S., Minnie J., and DeLancy, who died in early life. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Madden was blessed with four sons: Arthur L., who is employed in the Muscatine State Bank and who wedded Miss Agnes M. Rabbitt, by whom he has a daughter, Carmelete; H. Ralph, who is an agriculturist by occupation; Kenneth B., who is a high-school student; and Harold G., who died in infancy.

Mrs. Madden is a member of the Presbyterian church and is prominent in the social circles of the city. Mr. Madden holds membership in Iowa Lodge No. 2, A. F. & A. M.; Washington Chapter, No. 4, R. A. M.; Wyoming Lodge No.76, K. P.; Eagle Lodge, No. 10, A. O. U. W.; and Colonel S. G. Hill Camp, No. 50, Sons of Veterans. His political allegiance is given to the democracy but he has never sought or desired office, preferring to concentrate his energies upon his business affairs. He resides at No. 919 Iowa avenue, having erected the residence there in 1893. A lifelong citizen of Muscatine, his record is well known to the readers of this volume and the fact that many of his staunchest friends are those who have known him from his boyhood days to the present is an indication that his has been a most honorable and upright career.

Source: History of Muscatine County Iowa, 1911, Vol 2 (Biographical) p 98


MAHAN, ALBERT L.-Proprietor of livery stables and transfer, Mitchellville. Was born September 26,1852, in Medina county, Ohio, and when three years of age accompanied his parents to Henry county, Illinois. There he lived until 1864 when he went to Wisconsin, but the country not suiting his taste he only remained a few months, and then went to Iowa county, Michigan. He was raised on a farm, and in 1865 came to Tama county, Iowa, and lived there one year when he returned to Ohio. In 1868 he came back to Iowa and located near Mitchellville, where he engaged in farming, following that for two years. He then moved into this city and worked at the carpenter's trade, and one year later he engaged in his present business. In 1869 he took a trip through Kansas and the West, and in the spring of 1878 went to Canada, but soon returned. October 5, 1876, Miss Clara Clay, a native of Ohio, became his wife. They have one child, Harry B.

Source: History of Polk County, Iowa, Union Historical Company, Birdsall, Williams & Co. 1880 p 936 Beaver Twp


James H. Martin still owns two hundred acres of excellent land in Bloomington and Fayette townships, his home being on section 22, Bloomington township, and he held title to six hundred acres of land until he divided the greater part of his holdings among his children.

He was born in 1855, in Birmingham, Staffordshire, England, a son of William and Martha (Tucker) Martin. About 1857 the father emigrated to America and a year or so later the family followed him to this county.  They resided at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for one year, after which a removal was made to Rock Island, Illinois, where they lived for two years. Subsequently the family residence was maintained at Kewanee, that state.  The father owned a small coal mine, and as he was a practical miner and very energetic and industrious, he gained financial independence. He passed away in Kewanee in 1889 (sic)  when about sixty years old, but his widow is still living at the advanced age of eighty years. The homestead is still in the possession of the family. Mr. Martin was a devout member of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints, to which his wife also belongs. They were the parents of five sons and three daughters, namely: James H.; John, a farmer of Fayette township; Mrs. Martha Tucker, Mrs. Rosanna Lyons and Mrs. Elizabeth Lamb, all of Illinois; William, who was killed on a railroad at Independence, Missouri; George of Fayette township, this county; and Thomas, a farmer living near Cainesville, Missouri.

James H. Martin was reared in Illinois and there received his education. In 1880, when a young man of twenty-five years, he removed to Decatur county, Iowa, and settled near the state line in Fayette township, buying eighty acres of land on section 26 from the United Order of Enoch. Subsequently he added forty acres adjoining and remained upon that farm for ten years, making a number of improvements. In 1890 he sold that one hundred and twenty acres and purchased three hundred and twenty acres on section 22, Bloomington township, to which he later added forty acres. He remained upon that place for ten years, after which he removed to Lamoni, where he resided for one year. At the end of that time he purchased one hundred and eighty-six acres in the Evergreen Settlement southwest of Lamoni, where he resided for about a decade. He then returned to his farm on section 22, Bloomington township, where he has since made his home. He has improved his place well and keeps everything in excellent condition, while his well directed industry has made him a successful farmer and stock-raiser. Although at one time he owned six hundred acres of land, he has but now two hundred acres, as he has divided his holdings among his children. The first eighty acres which he purchased cost twelve dollars and a half per acre, but is now easily worth one hundred dollars per acre. He began his independent career with a capital of less than four hundred dollars and the financial independence which is now his is the merited reward of energy and good management.

Mr. Martin was married in Illinois to Miss Sarah Ann Atkinson, a native of England, who came to America when thirteen years of age and who passed away in 1911 when about sixty years of age, leaving five children: William, thirty two years old, who is still at home; Martha, the wife of A. L. Keen, a farmer of this county, by whom she has a daughter, Mildred; James, Jr. who owns a number of farms and is sucessfully engaged in business in Lamoni, and who married, in Illinois, Miss Hazel Roth; Clarence, a farmer of this county, who was married in Missouri to Miss Ora Cawfelt; and Ruth, the wife of R. A. Hammer, mentioned elsewhere in this work.

On the 26th Of October, 1913, Mr. Martin married Mrs. Emma (Hersha) Good (sic). By her previous marriage she has four children, of whom two reside in Lamoni: Clarence, cashier of Farmers State Bank; Alma, a high-school graduate and a clever cartoonist; Galdys (sic), who is attending school; and John, at home.

Mr. Martin is a republican and although several times solicited to become a candidate for public office, has always refused. He has, however, served as a member of the board of education, as he recognizes the paramount importance of an excellent system of public schools. He became a member of the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints at Kewanee and has since, or for a period of forty years, taken great interest in the welfare and growth of that organization. He gave the local congregation an acre of ground on which the house of worship was erected, and has contributed generously to the current expenses of the church. His wife is also identified with the Latter Day Saints. In addition to his farm, he owns an excellent residence in Lamoni, where his daughter, Mrs. Hammer, now lives. He began his independent career with very little capital, but he believed that energy and sound judgment, coupled with the opportunities of the middle west, would enable him to achieve success and that faith has been amply justified, as he is one of the substantial men of his township.

Source: History of Decatur County, Published 1915, Volume 2, p.26-28

Submitted bySusie Martin-Rott

*Please note there are several minor errors in this article.

1) James Henry was christened as Henry James and is enumerated on the 1880 census in Kewanee as Henry

2) James Henry was born near, but not in, Birmingham England

3) James' father William Martin died in Dec 1887 and is buried in Old Kewanee City Cemetery

4) James was actually one of 11/12 children according to family records; siblings Sarah Silvia & Nathaniel died young and census records indicate there may have been other infants.

5) James Henry and Sarah had two other children who died before the age of 2; Hiram and Sarah.

6) His second wife was Mrs. Emma Hershey Goode.  Correct spelling of her daughters name is Gladys


Greater fortunes have been accumulated in Henry county, but few lives furnish so striking an example of the wise application of sound principles and safe conservation as does that of Mr. Matteson. The story of his success is short and simple, containing no exciting chapters, but in it lies one of the most valuable secrets of the prosperity that it records, and his business and private life are pregnant with interest and incentive, no matter how lacking in dramatic action.

Mr. Matteson was born in the northern part of Sweden (*1), June 13,1844, a son of Hans and Brita (*2) Matteson, who brought their family to America in October, 1854 and settled in Copley township, Knox county, Illinois. Throughout the remainder of his life the father engaged in general farming in Knox and Henry Counties, and died in Galva township, this county in 1866, at the age of fifty-five years. Subsequently, his wife went to Nebraska to make her home with the relatives and there died in 1890, aged seventy-six years. They were the parents of nine children, eight of whom were born in Sweden, while one was born in this country, but died when quite small. Of the eight, Anna is the wife of Isaac Boostrom, a manufacturer of tile and brick in Polk County, Nebraska; L.F. is next in the order of birth; Anson H. is a stock raiser and shipper, of Loomis, Phelps county, Nebraska; Carrie is the wife of Jonas W. Olson of Galva, Illinois; Lizzie is the wife of Olof Erickson, of Stromsburg, Nebraska; Mary died in Cambridge township, this county; and Andrew H. and Peter E., twins, are both deceased.

The subject of this sketch was principally educated in the schools of his native land, though he attended school after attaining his twentieth year. He grew to manhood upon the home farm, and then removed from Knox to Henry County, locating on a farm in Galva township, where he spent two years. The following eight years were passed in Cambridge township, and while living there he was married in 1875 to Miss Lizzie M. Sanburg (*3),who was also born in Sweden, December 9, 1855, and came to America with an uncle in 1870. Her father died in Sweden when she was an infant and her mother (*4) came to America in June, 1899, and resides in Galva township.

By this union were born five children, of whom Jefferson W. died at the age of twelve years. Those living are Franklin, who is now engaged in farming upon his father's land; Dulie N., a graduate of the Galva high school and now the wife of William Edward Hanson, who is clerking in her fathers store; and May and Morris who are both attending school.

Mr. Matteson owned a farm of eighty acres in Cambridge township, which he operated until 1878, when he removed to Galva, and practically lived retired for the following two years. In 1881 he purchased a meat market, which he conducted at intervals for about fourteen years, and still owns the building in which it was located, it being now occupied by John Lapan.

On the 13th of March, 1899, he purchased his present drug store of Mrs. Hanson, and has since given his attention to that line of trade. He carries a well-selected stock of drugs, druggists sundries, paints, oils, books and stationary, and is meeting with good success in this venture.

During his residence in Galva he purchased a well-improved farm of one hundred and eighty acres, which has been operated by him for a number of years, and in connection with his farming operations he is now giving considerable attention to the stock business. He is a stock-holder of the Galva Telephone Company, and the Westrand manufactoring Company of Galva, which manufactures corn planters and farm implements. As a business man he is enterprising, energetic and thoroughly reliable, and the success that he has achieved is certainly well merited.

He is a prominent member of the Knight of Pythias lodge of Galva, in which he has filled all the offices. In his political affiliation he is a Republican and has always taken an active interest in party affairs. He has filled a number of local offices, including that of school director, and in 1899 was elected supervisor of Galva township, which position he is now filling with credit to himself and to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. He has been a member of the town board of Galva for eight years, during which time he labored earnestly for the establishment of water works, and his efforts were finally crowned with success. He has been a delegate to the county senatorial conventions of his party, and is one of the most influential and prominent citizens of his community. His estimable wife holds membership in the Lutheran Church of Galva, and he contributes liberally to its support and to all worthy enterprises for the public good.

Source: Biographical Record of Henry County, Illinois"; Chicago, Illinois, S J Clarke Publishing Co 1901.

Submitted by Richard Lewis Matteson Ed.D

Submitters note... Errata in document shown by (*). Corrections:

*1 = "northern part of Sweden" should be Ockelbo, Gestrickland, Sweden;

*2 "Brita" should be Brita BRAV Matteson

*3 "Sanburg"should be Märgreta Elizabeth SUNDBERG;

*4 "her mother" should be Märtha ANDERSDOTTER SUNDBERG/ANDERSSON.


MAYHEW, Judson, farmer, P. O., Sciola; was born in Henry County, Illinois, June 26, 1854, living there until fifteen years of age, when he moved with his parents to Montgomery County, Iowa, locating then in Washington township, where he received a part of his education. He also attended high school in Illinois. Mr. Mayhew moved on to his present home, section 34, Douglas township, in 1879. He has a farm of 160 acres of land, all improved. He was married March 6, 1879, to Miss Ida M. Damuth, born in Jefferson County, Wisconsin, November 6, 1860. They have one child, Burlie R., born January 24, 1880.

Source: History of Montgomery County, Iowa, 1881, Douglas Twp


MAYHEW, Norman  P., farmer, section 8, P. O. Sciola; born in Washington County, Ohio, May 5, 1852. When about one year old his parents (Morris G. and Roena A.) moved to Henry County, Illinois, where he lived until the fall of 1869, when he came to this county, and located in Washington township, section 9. In the spring of 1871 he went to Juneau County, Wis., where he remained until the fall of 1872, and then came back to this county and located where he now lives. He was married November 30, 1870, to Miss Clara A. Maxwell, a native of Henry County, Illinois. Was married near Sciola, by the Rev. J. W. Bott, of the M. E. church. They have one child, Ethel M., born January 4, 1878. Lost some stock by disease in 1875. He owns 120 acres of land, sixty-five acres under cultivation, nice young orchard and a good frame house. He handles graded cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew are members of the M. E. church.

Source: History of Montgomery County, Iowa, Washington Township


McCAHON Robert, Farmer, Sec. 8, P. O. Cambridge; born Ireland Aug. 18, 1839, Dem; Pres; 240 acres, value property $18,000; came to this country in 1849; lived in Pa. four or five years; came to this state about 1854; came to this county in 1857, and has lived here nineteen years; has held office School Director and Roadmaster; married Miss Mary Wilkey Feb. 17,1862; she was born in Ireland in March, 1838; they have three children, two boys and one girl; lost one daughter.

Source: The History of Henry County, Illinois, Its Tax-Payers and Voters. Chicago: H. F. Kett & Co.,  1877

Submitted by: Bonnie Wiley


McCONOUGHEY, H. N., mechanic and farmer, P. O. Grant; born in Geauga County, Ohio, June 12, 1836. At the age of six years he moved to Henry County, Illinois with his parents and settled on a farm. His father's name was Eli H., who was a descendant of Bruce of Scottish fame. Mr. M. made Henry County his home until he was twenty two years of age. After that received his education; then spent two years in Minnesota; then returned home. Afterward, in July 1858, moved to Fremont County, living there until April, 1863, when he removed to Montgomery County, where he has since lived on a farm of 200 acres of well improved land. Mr. McConoughey has frequently been elected to the office of justice of the peace, township clerk, and other important offices. He was married to Miss Maria A. White, a native of Illinois. They have three children: Eli H., Laurin V., the first white male child born in Shenandoah, Page County, Iowa; and Freeman E.

Source: 1881 History of Montgomery County, Iowa, Douglas Twp


John L. McConnell is one of the oldest business men of Lincoln, having been with the city through all its evolution, from settlement to hamlet, hamlet to village,  village to town, town to city. and Western metropolitan center of commerce, finance, art and society. Our subject was born in Trivoli, Peoria Co., Ill., on the 27th of March, 1837. His father, Robert McConnell, was a native of Pennsylvania, but was  reared from childhood in Scioto County, Ohio. There he was educated, and afterward engaged in business in Wheelersburg, Ohio. He removed to Illinois in 1835, and was among the first to settle in Peoria County. The journey was taken via the Ohio,  Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. He found Ft. Clark, which then occupied the site of the present city of Peoria, a very small collection of houses surrounded by a wild waste of prairie.

The father of our subject was not Iong there before he had made arrangements by  which an extensive tract of land became his property, upon which is now situated part of Trivoli. He quickly put up a log cabin, and the family went to housekeeping. It was in this dwelling that our subject was afterward born. His father went extensively into farming, erected the usual farm buildings, and subsequently a frame dwelling, which  were among the best in the entire district. He was removed by death in the year 1865,  having lived to see the country develop, become well settled, and the home of a  wealthy community.

The wife of Robert McConnell, and the mother of John L., was Abiah Page Emery, who was born at Orford, Grafton Co., N. H., and was a daughter of Rev. Samuel Emery, who was a native of the same State, and a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He removed from New Hampshire to Scioto County, Ohio, about the year 1830, having an interest in real estate there, and continued to make it his home until 1835, when he removed to Peoria County, Ill., and purchased large tracts of land in different parts there. He made his home at Trivoli, and superintended the improvement of his farm and the business of his real estate from that point. This continued to be his  residence until his death, at the age of seventy-three years, about 1859. He was a  man of enterprise, business capacity, a financier and diligent worker. and several  years before his death had acquired a large property. He was always an active member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and did much toward the organization and establishment of the church in Trivoli. He was firmly and determinedly opposed to slavery, and was one of the first citizens of that district to leave the Democratic party and espouse the cause of the Republicans. The mother of our subject died in the year 1872 having seen her six children grow to years of maturity. Her family is recorded as follows: John L., our subject; Eliza,  Thomas, Marcus, Frank and Mary.

John L. received his early education in the little pioneer school-house not far from his father's property, and afterward attended three years at the Rock River Seminary, at Mt. Morris, Ill., from which institution he was graduated in due course. At the age of eighteen he commenced to learn the printer's  trade in the office of the Canton Register, and continued in that office for about one year, then removed to Farmington and engaged as clerk in a general store, and there remained until 1858. Then he engaged as clerk in Peoria for a period of two years,  supplemented by a like term at Princeton, after which he became attached to the United States Internal Revenue Department, and was stationed at Kewanee, Henry County, until the fall of 1863.

Upon leaving the revenue service. our subject returned, in 1866, to Princeton, and engaged in the dry-goods business in that place, but after about eighteen months he sold out his business and went to Europe, and traveled quite extensively upon the continent, returning after an absence of a little over a year and taking up his residence  at Henry, Ill., until the spring of 1868. In May of that year he came to Lincoln by way of the railroad to Kansas City, thence by river to Nebraska City, and by  stage on to Lincoln, which was then an insignificant town of small population, without  railroad facility or much communication with the outside world. The larger proportion of the surrounding country was still waiting for settlers. There were two or three stone houses, but not one brick building in the city.

Mr. McConnell engaged in banking upon his arrival at Lincoln with James Sweet and Nelson C. Brock, who owned the first and for a long time only bank in Lincoln. In this business he continued for two years, and became gradually interested in real estate. In the winter of 1871-72 he opened a dry-goods store, continuing the same until 1884.  He has been a resident of the city for a period of more than twenty years, and has been identified with all its material growth and development. In that time it has evolved from a very inferior town to a magnificent city of 45,000 inhabitants, with all the modern marks of improvement and signs of progress.

On the 29th of October, 1866, our subject became the husband of Matilda R. (Merriman) Reisinger, who is the daughter of George Reisinger, of Farmington, Ill.  Mrs. McConnell is a most earnest member of the Congregational Church, and is  active in all right and proper enterprises of benevolent or social nature. She has been  a member of the Lincoln Library Association from its organization until the present, also both active member and President of several literary societies in the city.

Our  subject was a member of the first City Council of Lincoln, and Treasurer of the State University until that office was abolished. Politically, he is in heartiest sympathy with and one of the active partisans of the Republican party, which always receives his  vote.

Source: Biographical Album of Lancaster County, Nebraska, p. 453-454


Joseph M. McConnell, one of the prosperous farmers and public-spirited citizens of Clover Township, was born here, December 28, 1857, being a son of William and Catherine (Morthland) McConnell. The parents came to Clover Township from Path Valley, Pennsylvania, in 1855, when the settlers were few and far between. They made the trip by railroad to Altoona, Pennsylvania, taking there an ox wagon to complete their journey. Arriving in Clover Township, they settled on the unbroken prairie, enduring all the hardships of the pioneers of Illinois. Fortunately, however, for them prosperity attended their efforts, the father entering a considerable amount of government land which he developed into a valuable arm. His death occurred January 1, 1870, but his widow survived him until August, 1905, when she joined him in the better world and all that remains of their earthly habitation lies side by side in the local cemetery at Summit Level. Nine children were born to them, five daughters and four sons, of whom Joseph M. is the youngest.

The subject of this review grew to manhood upon the homestead, assisting his father and attending the country schools. In 1888 he married Amanda Peregoy, a daughter of David and Sarah Peregoy, residents of Clover Township who came here from Ohio in 1883. Mr. And Mrs. McConnell have six children, namely: Nellie M., a teacher; and Blanch W., Daisy P., Grace O., Frank E. and Katie L., all at home.

Mr. McConnell has always lived in Clover township and now owns two hundred acres of valuable land, on which he raises stock and carries on general farming. Politically he is a Democrat, but while interested in public affairs he is not in any sense an office seeker. Public spirited, he favors improvements that will bring about better conditions and advance the general welfare of his community. Although his parents were devout Presbyterians and he was brought up in that faith, he belongs to no church and is connected with no societies. Mrs. McConnell and four eldest daughters are all members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A splendid farmer, who understands thoroughly every detail of his work, prosperous in his undertakings and honorable in all of his dealings, Mr. McConnell stands high in the estimation of his fellow citizens.

Source: "History of Henry County Illinois", by Henry L. Kiner, Volume II, Chicago: Pioneer Publishing Co, 1910

Submitted by: Alice Gless


Jacob McGuire, who was born in Derry, Pa., in 1826, brought his family from Pennsylvania to Illinois in the late 1850s, settling first in Rock Island County (1860 federal census) and then in Henry County (1870 census). He was a son of Pendergast McGuire and Sarah Miller; his grandfather, Barnabus McGuire, fought in the Revolutionary War and his grandmother, Jane Pendergast (Pendergrass) was a descendant of one of the earliest settlers of southwestern Pennsylvania. It is believed that Jacob's father, Pendergast, fought in the War of 1812. Three generations of McGuires made the move from Derry, Westmoreland County, Pa., to Illinois, including Jacob's wife, Jane, and five children, Cornelia, James Pendergast, Sarah, Rachel and Mary Agnes; his parents, Pendergast and Sarah McGuire; his brothers George W. McGuire, J. Pendergast McGuire and Daniel McGuire and their families. His older brother, Phillip and his family, remained in Derry; it is unknown what happened to his older sister, Rose.

Jacob's daughter Sarah married George Daniels of Kewanee and remained there her entire life; she died in 1906. She had one daughter, Mae who married William Zang and a nephew, Harvey Daniels, whom she raised as her son. Jacob's daughter Rachel married Robert Dippert and had a daughter, Josephine. Mary Agnes married George Zinn and moved to Kansas. The youngest daughter, Anna, who was born in Cambridge, Ill., married Charles Staff in Wyoming, moved to Galesburg, but was killed in a train accident in 1906 in Kewanee. Jacob's only son, James Pendergast McGuire, left Illinois after the Civil War, settling finally in Atchison, Kans. where he died in 1896, leaving a widow, Mary Ann Collins McGuire, and eight children.

Jacob was a blacksmith and for some 40 years followed that trade in Kewanee and neighboring communities, where he was well known according to his obituary in the Kewanee Courier. His shop was located at Chestnut and Second streets for many years. He described himself as a Presbyterian and an Independent voter in an 1877 voters history of Henry County. He and his wife Jane, and granddaughter Josephine Dippert, moved to Wyoming, Stark County in late 1890s. However, after his wife's death in 1905, Jacob returned to Kewanee to live in the home of his daughter, Sarah Daniels. At the time of his death in 1907 he was visiting his brother, George W. McGuire. He was buried in Wyoming with his wife.

Jacob's mother, Sarah Miller, lived to be 102 years old and is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery, Kewanee, in the plot of her son George W. McGuire and his family. Her family was among the earliest German Catholic families to settle in western Pennsylvania before the Revolutionary War. It is not known at this time where his father, Pendergast, is buried.

Source Not Provided

Submitted by Janet Miller


Dr. Harvey Clinton McMullen, a well known and successful dental practitioner of Cambridge, was born in Franklin, Pennsylvania, on the 2d of January, 1875, his parents being Andrew G. and Helen Elizabeth (Bodine) McMullen, likewise natives of that place. The paternal grandfather, who was of Scotch descent, was also born in the Keystone state and followed general agricultural pursuits throughout his active business career. He passed away in the state of his nativity when eighty-seven years of age. The death of his wife, who lived to attain the age of sixty-seven years, also occurred in Pennsylvania. Their family numbered three sons and a daughter, namely: Andrew G., Joseph, Samuel and Mary. George Bodine, the maternal grandfather of our subject, was of German descent and a native of Pennsylvania. He likewise followed farming as a means of livelihood. Both he and his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Bodine, passed away in the Keystone state. They reared a large family of children.

Andrew G. McMullen, the father of Harvey C. McMullen, made his way to this state in the year 1876 and successfully followed merchandising in Kewanee for a number of years. He has capably served in the positions of city assessor and school trustee at Kewanee, where he still makes his home, being one of the respected and worthy residents of the city. Both he and his wife are Congregationalists in religious belief. Unto them were born seven children, five sons and two daughters, four of whom still survive, as follows: Charles, a resident of Brush, Colorado; Harvey Clinton, of this review; Homer, living in Walla Walla, Washington; and Florence, who is engaged in teaching at Kewanee.

Dr. Harvey C. McMullen was but a year old when brought by his parents to Illinois. He lived in New Windsor, Mercer County, until eleven years of age and then went to Kewanee, where he grew to manhood, obtaining his education in the public and high schools of that place. Subsequently he spent one year at the University of Illinois and then entered the Chicago Dental College, from which institution he was graduated in 1901. Locating for practice in Bradford, Stark County, Illinois, he there remained for a year and then took up his abode in Cambridge, Henry County, where he has since remained, his skill and ability in the line of his chosen profession having won him an extensive and lucrative practice. The Henry County Dental Society numbers him among its valued members.

One the 25th of March, 1903, Dr. McMullen was united in marriage to Miss Helen Catherine White, a native of Buda, Bureau County. In his political views the Doctor is a stalwart Democrat, while fraternally he is identified with Cambridge Lodge, No. 47, A. F. & A. M., Geneseo Chapter, No 12, R. A. M., Cambridge Lodge, No. 199, I. O. O. F., and the Elks at Kewanee. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Baptist Church, with which his wife is also affiliated. They are numbered among the highly esteemed young people of the community and have a host of warm friends.

Source: "History of Henry County Illinois", by Henry L. Kiner, Volume II, Chicago: Pioneer Publishing Co 1910

Submitted by: Alice Gless


John M. Mercer, of the law firm of Tracy & Mercer, Burlington, Iowa, was born at Kewanee, Henry Co., Ill., Aug. 28, 1858, and is a son of William and Sarah C. (Miller) Mercer, both of whom were born in County Down, Ireland, of Scotch origin, and are members of the Presbyterian Church. They emigrated to America when quite young, and are both living, being residents of Burlington. Mr. Mercer is foreman in the engine painting department of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, and has held that position for the past eighteen years.

John M. Mercer came to Burlington with his parents in 1859, was educated in the city schools, and began reading law in the office of Newman & Blake, a prominent law firm of Burlington. Later he entered the State University of Iowa, at Iowa City, graduating from the law department in the class of '80, and then accepted a position as private secretary to Judge Joshua Tracy, practicing his profession as opportunity afforded. In 1882 he formed a law partnership with S. K. Tracy, their business being largely railroad litigation for the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Company, and continued in that connection until 1884, when the partnership was dissolved, and the existing one formed with George S. Tracy, son of Judge Joshua Tracy. Mr. Mercer was united in marriage at Burlington, Feb. 23, 1881, with Miss Jennie M. Bernard, daughter of Cornelius Bernard, an early settler of that city. By their union four children have been born--Herbert M., Harry B., Paul R. and Jane A.

In his political views Mr. Mercer is a Democrat, and has been in public office several years, having served as Clerk of Burlington Township, was elected City Clerk in 1882, and with the exception of one term, has held the office continuously since, being its present incumbent. He is also in the service of the United States as Surveyor of Customs for the port of Burlington. Mr. Mercer is a talented young lawyer, who possesses a good knowledge of his profession, combined with fine executive ability, and makes an efficient and popular public officer.

Source: Portrait and Biographical Album of Des Moines County, Iowa; Chicago: Acme Publishing, 1888


Harrison W. Merrill, one of the foremost business men of Johnson County,  is a prominent merchant of the city of Sterling, which is much, indebted to him for its high standing in the commercial world as an enterprising and prosperous municipality. He was born in Dover, Me., Feb. 11. 1841, and was reared and educated in that old New England town. His parents were Bradberry and Asenath   (Blether) Merrill, natives of Durham, Me. The father died at the age of seventy-three years, and the mother is still living, and resides in Maine. She has attained the age of eighty-four years.

In March, 1861, our subject left the beautiful   scenes of his early home and went forth to seek his fortunes in the Great West, and during the first year of the war he lived in Stark County, Ill., and it was in Kewanee, Henry Co., Ill., in his young manhood, he resolved to become a soldier and fight for his  country, enlisting Aug. 11, 1862, in Company F, 124th Illinois Infantry. He served  faithfully and unfalteringly throughout the remainder of the war, and none in the ranks  were braver or more efficient in camp or on the battlefield. He was in Gen. John A. Logan's division, and was with his regiment in every mile of march on their way through different parts of the South. He was only in a hospital ten days, when his comrades were encamped at Vicksburg. Through the many battles in which he fought  he miraculously escaped without a wound, and returned home with his health impaired only by exposure.

After the war Mr. Merrill made his way back to his New England birthplace, and was  a resident there until 1867, marrying in the meantime, on the first day of that year, Miss  Felicia H. Mitchell. She is a native of Dover, Me., born July 18, 1843, and is a daughter of John and Charlotte (Littlefield) Mitchell.

After marriage Mr. Merrill removed to Massachusetts, where he engaged with D. W. Batchelor & Co., boot and shoe men. He remained with them three years, and then came to Nebraska, ambitious to try life again in the great and growing West, where he shrewdly foresaw he could invest the $3,000 that he had accumulated after the way to a good advantage, and in a few years be numbered among the wealthy capitalists of  this county. He first located in Blue Spring, Gage County, with his family, but in April, 1871, he bought a farm in Nemaha, Johnson Co., Neb., near Sterling, where he lived  for some years. The land when he purchased it was unbroken, and it was his pioneer task to develop its agricultural resources, and to otherwise improve it, which he did, so that it became a valuable piece of property. After residing there ten years he moved into Sterling to engage in the mercantile business. He has a neat, well-appointed store, and carries a large stock of about $10,000 worth of general merchandise. He has built up a large an flourishing trade, as his goods are of the best, and he knows well how to cater to the wants of the public. Our subject's anticipations in coming to Nebraska have been fully realized, as he has accumulated much wealth. He now owns 480 acres of improved land in this and Pawnee Counties, some valuable property in Kansas City, Mo., a commodious residence in Sterling, and he has stock in the  Sterling Lumber Company, of which he was one of the organizers, and is now one of  the directors.

To our subject and his wife two children have been born--Bessie and Harry H. The latter died May 18, 1887, aged six years. Mr. Merrill and his wife are members of the Christian Church, and their daughter of the Baptist Church. Mr. Merrill owes the acquisition of his wealth to the fact that he is a man of more than ordinary business and financial ability; his clear vision, sound wisdom, and singularly correct judgment in all that relates to commerce, make him pre-eminent in the business circles of this city. In him all worthy schemes for the advancement and improvement of Sterling find a cordial and liberal supporter. Especially is this true in regard to the education of the young, and during the three years that he was President of the School Board he used his influence to establish a school system which is not  surpassed in any other city in the county. He is a pronounced Republican in his   political views, but is not an aspirant for office. As a pleasant reminder of his army life he is now a member of Sill Post No. 99, G. A. R., of Sterling.

Source: Biographical Album of Johnson & Pawnee Counties Nebraska; Johnson Co; p. 303-304


When it is stated that for five successive years this well known pioneer and live-stock man of Garden county captured the grand champion prize for car-load exhibits of hogs at the Denver Stock Show, Denver, Colorado, it becomes apparent that he has not been laggard in promoting the live stock industry and advancing stock standards in the Panhandle of Nebraska. His admirably improved stock farm, which still receives his personal supervision, is situated about four miles northwest of Lewellen, in which village he maintains his residence, after having lived on the farm for nearly a quarter of a century.

Mr. Mevich was born at Kenosha, Wisconsin, October 3, 1860, and is a son of Peter and Mary Mevich, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Ireland, their marriage having been solemnized at Kenosha, Wisconsin, from which state they removed to Illinois in the year 1861, both having been young people when they came to the United States. Peter Mevich became a substantial farmer in Henry county, Illinois, but he died in the very prime of his manhood, having been forty-seven years of age at the time of his demise, and his widow, who long survived him, having attained to the venerable age of eighty-two years, her death occurred at Henry, Illinois.

John Mevich was an infant at the time of his parents removal to Illinois, and there his early education was acquired in the public schools at Mineral, Henry county (sic). His initial enterprise as a farmer was prosecuted in Illinois, where he remained thus engaged for a period of three years. He then removed to Hamilton county, Iowa, whre (sic) he continued in agricultural pursuits for three years, at the expiration of which he came to Nebraska and numbered himself among the pioneer settlers in that part of old Cheyenne county that now constitutes Garden county. He took up homestead and tree claim and instituted their reclamation from the prairie wilds. With the passing years he continued to make excellent improvements on the property and became a specially prominent and successful representative of live-stock industry in the present Garden county, remaining on his original farm for the long period of twenty-four years. He still owns the property, to which he has added until he now has a valuable landed estate of twelve hundred acres, and though he has resided in the village of Lewellen since 1909, he continues the active management of his farm and substantial live-stock operations and stands as one of the most extensive breeders and feeders of hogs in the western part of the state. His fine ranch, known as one of the best equipped in the Nebraska Panhandle, has four miles of hog fence, and three hundred acres of his land receives effective irrigation from Blue creek, he having been prominently concerned in the building of this irrigation system. In addition to raising hogs on a large scale Mr. Mevch (sic) usually runs an average of nearly two hundred head of cattle on his ranch and about fifty to sixty head of horses, though he is gradually reducing his activities in the raising of horses. He has been a leader in movements tending to advance the agricultural and live-stock industries in Garden county and was the first president of the Garden County Fair Association, of which office he continued the incumbent from 1910 to 1917; in the meantime he wielded vital influence in forming the policies and directing the other activites (sic) that have made this organization a most successful adjunct of industrial progress in the county. In politics he is a staunch supporter of the cause of the Republican party and fraternally he is affiliated with the Modern Woodmen of America. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church and are sterling pioneers who have a wide circle of friends in the section of Nebraska in which they have long maintained their residence.

At Lewellen, Garden county, March 31, 1890, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Mevich to Miss Grace White, daughter of Wellington and Mary (Langton) White, the former was born and reared in Wisconsin and the latter was born in England, whence she came with her parents to America when a girl, the family home being established in Wisconsin. Mr. White served as a member of a Wisconsin volunteer regiment in the Civil War, and continued with his command during virtually the entire period of this historic conflict. He finally came with his family to Nebraska and he and his wife now maintain their home at Lewellen. Mr. and Mrs. Mevich have two children: Ruth M. is the wife of  George H. Morris, of Oshkosh, Garden county, and Charlotte M. remains at home.

Source: History of Western Nebraska and It's People, Grant L. Shumway, Western Publishing and Engraving Co; 1921; vol III; p694-695


M. F. Meyer, who engages in general farming and stock-raising in Sherman township, Kossuth county, where he owns one hundred and sixty acres of land, is one of the most enterprising and progressive as well as successful agriculturists in his community. He was born in Germany on the 19th of February, 1877, and is a son of W. D. and Henrietta (Melkey) Meyer, also natives of Germany, who emigrated to the United States in 1880. They located on a farm in Rock Island county, Illinois, continuing to reside in that state until 1911, when they came to Kossuth county and are now living in Luverne. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Meyer, as follows: Herman, who went to Alaska and has never been heard from since; Ernest, who is a resident of Humboldt county, Iowa; M. F., our subject; and Anna, the wife of Max Block, of Luverne, Iowa; Vinnie, the wife of Lewis Wetzel, of Kewanee, Illinois.

As he was only a child of three years when he came to America with his parents, M. F. Meyer was reared in Illinois and educated in the public schools of Rock island county. He was early trained in habits of thrift and industry and while still a small lad began assisting his father with the lighter duties about the home farm, remaining under the parental roof until he was twenty years of age. In 1897, he left home and came to Kossuth county, where for two years he worked out as a farm hand. At the expiration of that time he bought his present farm, comprising one hundred and sixty acres, and began farming on his own account. There were no improvements on the property when he purchased it and during the period of his ownership he has tiled and fenced his fields and erected a comfortable residence and large barns and substantial outbuildings. He is practical and progressive in his ideas and conducts his business in a systematic manner, keeping in touch with the modern methods of agriculture. His farm is supplied with every implement or appliance that will expedite the work or lessen the labor connected with its cultivation and he also owns an automobile. He engages in general farming, and as his fields have been brought to a high state of productivity and are carefully tilled, he annually reaps abundant harvests, that command the market's highest prices.

Mr. Meyer was married in 1899 to Miss Matilda Tiede, and to them have been born six children: Ferdinand, Lydia, Erhardt, Ernest, Dorothy and Hilda.

The family attend the religious services of the German Lutheran church, in which the parents hold membership, and the political support of Mr. Meyer is given to the republican party. He has never held any public office, however, save that of road supervisor, the extent and demands of his private interests, precluding the possibility of assuming other duties. He is a capable and efficient man, and is leading a life of intelligently directed and intensive activity, as is evidenced by the well kept and thriving appearance of his farm, which is one of the most attractive properties in this section.

Source: History of Kossuth County Iowa, Reed, Benjamin F . Vol. II Chicago: S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1913


PHILIP MEYER, farmer, section 33, Junction Township, in Grand Junction corporation, was born in Alsace, France, (now Germany), November 26, 1837. His father, Andrew Meyer, of Henry County, Illinois, is a native of the same place. He brought his family to America in the spring of 1839, settling in Lake County, Illinois, where our subject was reared and educated.

He came to Boone County, Iowa, in 1875, where he improved a farm and engaged in the grocery trade one and a half years at Ogden, that county. He came to Grand Junction in March, 1882, and clerked one year in Zellhoefer's hardware store, then began farming. He owns twenty acres of land and twenty town lots in Grand Junction and 160 acres three miles southeast of the village, which is leased to tenants.  He was a soldier in the late war, being a member of Company A, One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois Infantry.

He was married June 20, 1860, to Sarah Luther, daughter of Peter Luther of Henry County, Illinois. She was born near Chicago, in Lake County, Illinois. They have had three children -- Clara J., deceased, Edward P. and Luther G., both at home; the former is twenty-four years old and the latter four years old. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer and their son Edward are members of the Evangelical Association.

Source: Biographical and Historical Record of Greene and Carroll Counties, Iowa; Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago 1887

(Greene Co)

Note: most of the men of the 112th Inf were from Henry Co; listed are a Philip Meyers residence at enlistment was listed as Waukegan and a Philip Myer res at enl Yorktown


Charles Clinton Miller, a farmer on Section 31, Galva Township, Henry County, Illinois, was born in West Middlesex, Pennsylvania, June 11, 1857, and is a son of James and Henrietta (Kemp) Miller. His paternal grandmother died at the age of ninety years. The grandparents on the mother's side, Isaac and Elizabeth (Bonham) Kemp, died in middle life. The former was a native of Maryland and a shoemaker by trade. James Miller, the father of Charles Clinton Miller, was born in Pennsylvania and learned the carpenter's trade. In 1863 he came to Illinois, settling first in Hickory Grove but coming the next year to Section 31, Galva Township, Henry County. Here he farmed and followed his trade, and on the farm his son now owns passed away in his seventy-third year. His wife was a native of Maryland and survived her husband a number of years, her death occurring in 1904 at the age of seventy-eight. Both Mr. Miller and his wife were strong adherents of the Methodist Church. He was school director and road overseer in they ears of his activity and occupied a prominent place in the Greenback Party. Five children were born to them, three sons and two daughters: Mary, who died young; Charles Clinton; John; Myra, who married Fred Keeler; and Reuben, who died at the age of six years.

Mr. Miller has made Galva Township his home during all his life. Reared to the work and hardships of the farm, he attended the district school near his home, and then the public school of Galva. Until he reached manhood the paternal farm was his home, but on attaining his majority he started out for himself. For the first few years he rented land and then he removed to the farm of one hundred and five acres he had inherited from his mother. This was but a part of a largest tract of two hundred and sixty-five acres which she had received as a gift from her uncle James M. r. Miller has made Galva township his home during all his life. Reared to the work and hardships Bonham. The inherited farm has been Mr. Miller's home to this day, and from it he has gained a comfortable competence.

On the 5th of March, 1884, Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Miss Harriet McDowell, a daughter of William and Caroline (McCoy) McDowell. By birth and ancestry Mrs. Miller belongs to Pennsylvania. Her paternal grandfather, James McDowell, was a native of that state, followed farming, and was a soldier in the War of 1812. He married Miss Sarah Brandon and they had the following children: William B., Jane, Nancy, Henderson, Thomas, Sarah, David and James. Mrs. Miller's maternal grandfather was John McCoy, also a farmer of Pennsylvania, who married Miss Elizabeth Mouer, and they had six children: DeWitt Clinton, Jacob Theodore, Winfield Scott, Caroline Emily, Ellen, and one who died in infancy. John McCoy died in middle life, but his wife lived to a ripe old age. Mrs. Miller's parents were born in Pennsylvania and came to Illinois in 1876, taking up their residence near Victoria, Knox County. There the mother died December 12, 1895, at the age of sixty-five years, while the father survived until May 26, 1907, when he died in his eighty-ninth year. Seven children were born to them: DeWitt Clinton; Harriet E; William W.; Edwin T.; Eva C., the wife of John Mackey; and two who died in infancy. Mr. And Mrs. Miller's own family consists of four children: Clyde C., Edwin W., Henrietta C., and Charles Linn. The first born is a barber and farmer. The second son is employed in the Hayes Pump & Planter Company Works. He married Miss Florence Dunn.

Mr. Miller enjoys pleasant fraternal relations with Galva lodge, No. 243, A. F. & A. M., and politically affiliates with the Republican Party. He has not, however, sought public preferment, though for a period of eight years he served as a member of the school board, during which time he proved to his fellow citizens that he was a man who had their best interests at heart.

Source: "History of Henry County Illinois", by Henry L. Kiner, Volume II, Chicago: Pioneer Publishing Co 1910

Submitted by: Alice Gless


CAPT. JOHN B. MITCHELL, druggist, Milford, was born in Preble County, Ohio, March 24, 1827. Crossed the plains to California in 1851; remained until 1855, then returned to his native State. After remaining there for a short time, removed to Illinois, and engaged in the drug business in Cambridge, Henry County. He there enlisted in the army for the Union in 1862, and raised Company C of the One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois Volunteers Infantry, of which he was commissioned Captain, serving as such during the war in the Army of the Ohio. Was three times wounded. At the close of the war he returned to Illinois, and resumed his old business, remaining there until 1880, when he came to Milford, Neb., where he embarked in his present business, which is rapidly increasing in both stock and trade.

Source: Andreas' History of Nebraska, 1883, Seward County, Town of Milford


Hon John B. Mitchell,  a real estate and insurance agent of Milford, Nebraska, is one of the leaders of the Democratic party in his section, his large acquaintance and unbounded popularity giving him an influential following, while his shrewd judgment of men and affairs make his counsel of value in all important movements. In business circles he also takes a foremost rank.

Mr. Mitchell was born in Preble county, Ohio, in 1827, a son of Robert and Louisa Mitchell, who were of Scotch and Irish descent, and soon after the war of 1812 removed from Virginia to Ohio. Our subject's early life was spent upon a farm, but he was provided with more than ordinary educational advantages, attending first the public schools, and later a select school in Cambridge, Indiana. Subsequently he also took a course of lectures at Rush Medical College, Chicago. He was married in Ohio, in 1847, to Miss Alciania Hawley, of New York state, a daughter of John C. and Elizabeth (Heath) Hawley. The mother was a descendant of Lord Heath, of England. Four children grace this union: Jeannette and Alice, both born in Ohio; and Albert R. and Emma, born in Illinois. The only son is now a prominent physician of Lincoln, Nebraska.

In 1855, Mr. Mitchell removed to Henry county, Illinois, where he soon became widely and favorably known. There he enlisted, in 1862, in Company C, One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered into service as second lieutenant, being promoted in May, 1863, to the rank of captain for meritorious service at Monticello, Kentucky, which was his first actual engagement. He demonstrated his worthiness in more than twenty-five hard-fought battles, including the following: Monticello, May 1, 1863; Richmond, Kentucky, August 10; Calhoun, Tennessee, November 12; Campbell Station, November 16; Knoxville, November 17 and 18; Bean Station, November 15; Kelley's Ford, Janunry (sic) 4, 1864; Massey Creek, January 15, (all in Tennessee); Resaca, Georgia, May 14 and 15; New Hope Church, June 17; Pine Mountain, Georgia, June 19; Lost Mountain, June 21; Kenesaw Mountain, June 27; East Point, Georgia, August 6; Utoy Creek, Georgia, August 8, Jonesboro, Georgia, August 31; Columbia, Tennessee, November 30; Franklin, Tennessee, November 30; Nashville, December 14, 15, and 16; Fort Anderson, Old Town and Wilmington, North Carolina, all in February, 1865; and Goldsboro and Raleigh in March, 1865. He did gallant and effective service in the Atlanta campaign, and during a charge at Knoxville, Tennessee, was wounded while at the head of his company, against superior forces, receiving favorable comment for his bravery. He was again wounded at Franklin, Tennessee, and when the war was over he was mustered out at Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1865. being discharged at Chicago.

Returning to his home in Henry county, Illinois, Mr. Mitchell continued to reside in that state until 1880, which year witnessed his arrival in Milford, Seward county, Nebraska. Here he conducted a drug store for some time, but is now engaged in the insurance and real estate business. He has taken an active and prominent part in political affairs, and in 1896 was elected as the Democratic candidate for the state legislature, being elected by a large majority. He proved an able representative of his district, and was a popular and prominent member of the assembly.

Source: Memorial and Biographical Record of Butler, Polk, Seward, York and Fillmore Counties Nebraska, 330-331


MOODY, F. J., firm of Moody & Sherman, steam marble works, P. O. Villisca; Mr. Moody was born September 17, 1842, in Delaware County, Indiana. He remained with his parents until he was of age, engaged in farming. In 1851 went to Henry County, Illinois, and remained about fourteen years; thence to Colorado and Montana and engaged in the mining business there. From there to Kansas and Texas on a hunting expedition, during which time he had numerous fights with the Indians. At one time they lost four out of six of their party; the two Moffit Bros. were killed in this encounter. Mr. Moody escaped without any injury. In 1867 went to Indianola where his parents had moved to during his absence, and remained there until 1870, when he came to Villisca. His father came to Villisca in 1877 and remained here until his death.

In 1865, in Illinois, Mr. Moody learned the engineering business under Prof. Jurett, the superintendent of the C., B. & Q. R. R., served as an apprentice for two years and in 1870 began the canvassing business for pumps, lightning rods, patent right; also the marble business, and is engaged in the same business at this time. Has handled high bred horses, and owned the famous "Sciola," formerly "Kate Wisner." which has since sold for four thousand dollars; now in New York City. He engaged in the steam marble works with his brothers George and Frank in 1874, and in 1876 Mr. Sherman became a partner.

He was married, December 25, 18--, to Alice F. Grant, of Cambridge, Illinois, she was born May 14, 18--. Mr. Moody's mother, Cynthia, was born February 10, 1820; his father George, was born October 31, 1815, died February 18, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Moody have had four children, two deceased; Orville E., born March 26, 1874; Gilbert, December 20, 1876. Mr. Moody was educated in the seminary in Kewanee, Illinois.

Source: History of Montgomery County Iowa, 1881 City of Villisca


William Nelson Moody, one of the honored residents of Clover Township, comes of a prominent family and has borne his part is sustaining its reputation. He was born November 15, 1838, a son of John and Betsy (Stockdale) Moody, who removed from Greene County, Pennsylvania, to Morrow County, Ohio, in 1825 soon after their marriage. They cast their lot with the pioneers in that locality, for at that time Ohio was very sparsely settled, the nearest neighbors of the Moody family being nearly thirteen miles away, and Indians were troublesome. Wild game was plentiful, dense forests covered the land and before it could be made productive it was necessary to clear it. Surrounded by these primitive conditions, William Nelson Moody was born and reared to manhood. He attended the country district school held in a log cabin, and at the same time assisted in the general work of the farm.

In the fall of 1857 he came to Clover Township, Henry County, Illinois, where one sister had already located and he spent the winter with her, returning in the spring of 1858 to his father's home with the full intention of making Henry County his permanent location. On July 29, 1859, he married Angeline Painter, a daughter of Jacob and Ann (Nichols) Painter, farming people of Morrow County. The Painter family never moved to Illinois. During the Civil War which soon followed, Mr. Moody was a member of the National Guard and upon the call of Governor Todd of Ohio to defend Cincinnati and other Ohio river points against the anticipated raid of the confederate General Kirby Smith, he reported with his company for duty and was stationed at Cleves on the Ohio River a few miles below Cincinnati. After a few weeks' service he was mustered out with his command.

After his marriage Mr. Moody engaged in farming in Ohio until the fall of 1862, when he made his anticipated return to Clover Township, Henry County, Illinois, and settled upon the farm which has been his home ever since. Mr. And Mrs. Moody have had a family of ten children, seven of whom are living: Emma, who married J. F. S. Philis; Elizabeth, who marred George Mahaffey, of Oklahoma; Joseph G., who is a farmer of clover Township; George B., who is a farmer in the vicinity of Cambridge; Louella, who married Wallace Elliott, of Oklahoma; Pemerlietta, who married Prescott Harkness, of Monument, Kansas; Clarence B., who lives in Oklahoma; and Jacob W., John and Laura A., who are deceased. The wife and mother died February 17, 1906, much beloved and widely mourned. On December 19, 1906, Mr. Moody married Hilda Carlson and to this union one child was born, a son, Naaman N.

Mr. Moody has always devoted himself to farming and has been very successful owing to his progressive and enterprising spirit. He is a Democrat and a partisan of the old Jeffersonian school but has never been an office seeker. Of strong character and determined in his views, he has always been glad to defend his position upon current questions, and, deeply interested in education, he has served for many years on the board of education. He is a member of Woodhull Lodge, No. 502, A. F. & A. M., in which he has filled all the offices except worshipful master. He was also a charter member of Clover Range, Patrons of Husbandry, and for years was active in its affairs. For man years he has also been very active in the Christian Union Church.

Mr. Moody is not the only one of his family to become well known in Clover Township, for in 1870, he induced his father and mother and their family to come here and they located on a farm near his own. The father was a Democrat in his political views. He and his wife and most of his family were members of the Presbyterian Church and were devout believers in its teachings. The father died in may, 1880, his wife having preceded him by several years, and both are buried in the Woodhull Cemetery.

The maternal grandmother of our subject belonged to the Harper family which owned and operated Harper's Ferry of Civil War fame, at the time that John Brown was executed. Mr. Moody has quite a number of the picks with which John Brown armed the negroes and he prizes them as relics of an exciting and memorable period in our nation's history.

Source: "History of Henry County Illinois", by Henry L. Kiner, Volume II, Chicago: The Pioneer Publishing Company 1910 (Book contains a picture of him, his wife and a son)

Submitted by: Alice Gless