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Henry County Marriage Record - Partial Transcript of a Book Page
Transcribed by Susie Martin-Rott 

I've  tried here to duplicate the look of how the register  books  for marriages in Henry County were set up, at least for the year  1878.  This is transcribed from a copy made from the microfilm of the actual register.  Many of these films  are held  at the Illinois Regional  Archives  Depository.  I  obtained theses two pages  (this would be a double page  laid side  by side on  the original) for  the nominal fee of .50  !!!
I have transcribed it exactly as it appeared to me.   Items  illegible or of serious question are marked with ? or --- indicating missing letters.

As you can see, these pages give  far more information than you might expect.  This particular sample came from  IRAD in Macomb Illinois from Microfilm  roll # 1435, 943.

A later page taken from the 1898 record book  has the same columns and information except  that nothing was filled  in  on any of the 2nd column regarding Affidavit filing.

You never know when a "bonus" will pop up on one of these sheets...as I was transcribing this one, which contains the marriage of my great grandparents, Richard Woodward and Eliza Lamb, I noted the marriage directly above theirs for Margaret France and James Bagley.  Last week I received an email from  someone working on the Whitehouse family (Eliza Lamb's mother as you will note is a Whitehouse) and a connection to them of the France family, and here all along is that marriage record right  in front of  me!!!!!!


1. No. of License
2. Date of License 
1. By whom affidavit, if any, is made
2. By whom consent to marriage given
1 Full Name of groom
2 Place  of residence
3 Occupation
1. Age next birthday
2.  race or Color
3. Place of Birth
1. Father's Name
2.  Mother's Maiden Name
3. No. of Groom's marriage
1. Full Name of Bride
2. Maiden Name, if  a widow
3. Place of Residence
1. Age Next Birthday
2.  Race or  Color
Place of Birth
1. Father's name
2. Mother's Maiden Name
3. No. of Bride's Marriage
1. Where and when married
2. Witnesses
3. By whom certified, Name and Office
1. Date of Return
2. When Registered
1. 328 
2. Nov 21
1.  Ludwig Palzer 
1. Ludwig Patzer 
2 Geneseo? 
3 Laborer
1. 35 years 
2 White 
3 Rogeleu?  Prussia
1 Michael Palzer 
2 Mary Stock----? 
3.   2
1. Eva Rehbein 
3.  Geneseo
1. 38 years 
2. White 
1. John Rehbien 
2 Mary 
3.   1
1. Geneseo Nov. 22 1878 
2.F. Rehbein & E. Rehbein 
3. Augustus Fu??le, M.  g. 
1. Nov 22, 1878 
2. Nov. 30 1878
1. 329 
2.  Nov 27
1. F. G. Anderson 
1.  Frank A. Anderson 
2. Andover 
3.  Farmer
1. 23 yers 
2. White 
3. Andover, Ill.
1. C. G.  Anderson 
2. Anna Bertah Swan 
3. 1st
1. Ida Kough 
3 Munson
1. 21 years 
2  White 
3 Penn.
1Jacob Kough 
2 Rachael Refaine?? 
3 1st
1. Munson Ills Nov. 28th 1878 
2. Hans Bergloff & 
Mary Anderson 
3. A. J. Stead, M.G.
1.Dec 3 1878 
2.  Dec 23 , 1878
1. 330 
2. Nov 28
1 S. A. ???pey 
1. John Kibler 
2. Geneseo Ills 
3. Blacksmith
1.  24 years 
2. white 
3. Ohio
1. Geo.  Kibler 
2. Lydia Wilhelm 
3. 1st
1. S.  M. McFadden 
3. Geneseo
1. 19 years
2. White
3. Joliet Ills

 1. E. McFadden 
2. Sylvine Harrington 
3. 1st
1. Geneseo, Ills Nov 28,  1878 
2 Lillie E. Stead, Sylvie Munson
3. A. J. Stead, M.G.
1. Nov 18 1878
2. Dec 23, 1878
1. 331
2. Nov 30
1. R. A.  Kilgore
1. Robert A. Kilgore
2. Alpha Ills
3. Farmer
1. 24 years
2. White
3.  Indiana
1. Joseph Kilgore
2. Elenor Moore
3.  1
1. Ellen Noe
3. Alpha Ills
1. 19 years
2. white
3. Indiana
1.  Lyander Noe
2.  Julia Crone
3.  1
1. Woodhull on Dec 2, 1878
2.  James Skinner & E. V. Crawford
3. J. W. Crawford, M. G. 
1. Dec 1 1878
2. Dec 10, 1878
1. 332
2. Nov 25
1. James Bagley
James Bagley
2. Kewanee
3. Miner
1. 25 years
2. White
3. Lancashire England
1.Wm. Bagley
2.Catherine Atkinson
3.  1
1. Margaret France
3. Kewanee
1. 20 years
3. Atlantic Ocean
1.  Thomas France
2.  Alice Carter
3.  1st
1. Kewanee Nov. 28, 1878
2. Robert Holt John Chisnall
3. John S. Patterson, M.G.
1. Nov 29, 1878
2. Dec 2, 1878
1. 333
2. Nov 26
1. Rich'd Woodward
1. Richard  Woodward
3. Farmer
1. 23 years
2. White
3.Henry Co Ills
1. Wm. H. Woodward
2.Matilda Norton
1. Eliza Lamb
3 Kewanee
1. 22 years
2. White
3. Dudley England
3.  1
1. Kewanee on Nov 28, 1878
2.Thos & Martha Whitehouse
3.  John S. Patterson M. G. 
1. Nov 29 1878
2. Dec 2, 1878
1.  334
2. Nov 28
1. John H. Wilsey
1. John H Wilsey
2. Annawan
3. Farmer
1. 25 years
2.  white
3.New York
1. Manville Wilsey
2. Lucy Hutchinson
3.     1
1. Frank? Linahan
3. Annawan
1. 20 years
2. white
3. Ills
1. Arch'd Linahan
2. Margaret
3.  1
1.  Annawan on Dec 2,1878
3. Raphael Kinney M. G
1. Dec 2, 1878
2. Jany 3, 1879