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Reorganized Church of 
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 

News Items from Henry County Newspapers 

On 06 April 2001, the RLDS church changed their name to "Community of Christ" in accordance with a delegate vote taken at the church's World Conference in 2000.  They have also modernized their church seal. 
However, for genealogical purposes, any relative or ancestor who belonged to this church prior to the year 2001 was RLDS and thus that is what you will most commonly find records filed un 

From the Kewanee Courier, Wednesday, 2 Feb 1898 

 The Kewanee District Convention 
Sessions to Be Held in this City.

The members of the Latter Day Saints church are planning for a big time the latter part of next week. On Friday a Sunday School convention of the district will be held in the new church and on Saturday and Sunday the regular district convention will take place. 

 Over one hundred delegates are expected to be present as the district comprises nearly all the counties between here and the Mississippi river. Joseph Smith, president of the church, has signified his intention of coming and will assist at the meetings. The fine new church which has been erected during the past year will also be dedicated at this time. 


From the Kewanee Courier, Wednesday, 9 Feb 1989 (front page) 
Delegates of Kewanee District 
Gathered in this city.

The above Conference met as per appointment and 10 a.m. Saturday. Elder John H. Lake of Kirtland, Ohio, was elected to preside and Elder D.S. Holmes of Buffalo Prairie, Ill., elected to assist him. Elder S.A. Whitehouse was elected secretary and Elder T.J. Sheldon assistant secretary. 

 A committee on credentials was appointed by the chair as ordered by the Conference, after which remarks were made by Elder D.S. Holmes, president of the District; D. Co. Smith, Bishop's agent; John Chisnal, president of the Kewanee Branch and John H. Lake, president of Northern Ill. Mission. 

 The brethren of the district feel that the Kewanee branch have done a grand work in erecting a new house of worship and extend thanks with the Kewanee branch to all the friends who have assisted them to raise the new edifice. 

 The committee on credentials reported and report was accepted and adopted after which Elder D. S. Holmes reported the death of Elder C.C. Reynolds of Andalusia, Ill. 

The secretary read the minutes of last quarterly conference and assistant secretary read the reports of the branches in the district and the conference adjourned till 2 p.m. 

 The meeting was called to order by chairman at 2 p.m. Other reports were read and accepted including reports of officers of the district. 

 The ordination of M.D. Murdock was provided for and later in the afternoon he was ordained to the Eldership. The matter of Bro. L. Hills ordination was refereed to the missionaries in charge of Illinois and Iowa. 

 Motion to hold next Conference at Rock Island, in June, carried. The delegates to General Conference were chosen and this conference adjourned till 7:30 p.m., at which time Elder M.T. Short, preached. 

 Elder D.S. Holmes being in charge. Elder Shorts text was Romans viii, 6 "For to be Carnally Minded is Death, but to be Spiritually Minded is Life and Peace." The subject was handled in a very able and attractive manner. 

 Sunday morning at 8:30 a sacrament and social meeting was held in charge of Elder John H. Chisnall, and W.L. La Rue. 

 At 10:30 Elder John H. Lake presided over the meeting and President Joseph Smith of Lamoni, Iowa, preached. He stated he "had never regretted, nor any has regretted the stand first taken by the church. Every discovery coming to light gives evidence upon evidence and sustains the position they had occupied. He showed that God's design from the beginning was to save all mankind; that Christ told men at the commencement of his ministry to repeat and believe the gospel; that from Christ's time repentance and remission of sins had been preached, but that the gospel in its fulness (sic) had not been preached, and that in fulfilment (sic) of prophecy it was now now (sic) restored." It was a splendid effort and was well received. 

 The service convened in the afternoon at 2:40 in charge of Elder John Chisnall, when President Smith again occupied the pulpit. He said "That Latter Day Saints are committed to the teachings of the scriptures. The doctrine of present day revelation teaches adherence to the word written. He emphasized the revelation which says: "He that keepeth the law of God, needs not to break the law of the land." He showed that there is no warrant in Scripture for the practice of polygamy." 

 Plural marriage was introduced by Utah Mormons, and the first sermon preached on it was on August 29, 1852, which was 8 years after the death of his father. That no one can take the Bible and prove by it that plural marriage is right. Christ said "for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave unto his wife, the twain shall be sure flesh." He stated the church believed in monoygamy (sic). He dwelt upon the test(sic) with emphasis: "If you continue in my word, then are ye my deciples (sic), and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. 

 President Smith's argument was feasible and showed that the church of Utah has not continued in the truth. This he proved by the bible, and also by the "book" of doctrine and covenants, a book containing the revelations given to the church in this century. He showed that God and Christ held the keys, but that he had sent men to represent Him, but he never sent men to misrepresent Him! Mr. Smith insisted on a close adherence to the doctrine of Christ, and all who heard could plainly see, polygamy was--and is--no part of the philosophy educated by this religious people. 

 In the evening at 7:30 Elder T.J. Sheldon, was in charge, when Elder John H. Lake preached. Elder Lake based his remarks upon the III chapter of Malachi; showing that a messenger was to come in the last days, and prepare the way for Christ's second coming; that that messenger had been instrumental in setting up the present dispensation, which he proved by the scriptures to be the eleventh hour. 

 The auditorium was fill every service, and after a vote of thanks to the branch and friends who had assisted, the Conference was adjourned.