Maps of Henry
Henry County In 1895

Historical Boundary Maps of Henry
1825 Henry County Boundary
1827 Henry County Boundary
1831 Henry County Boundary
1836 Henry County Boundary
Historic boundary maps created and supplied by Art Lassagne
at Gold Bug
Maps. AniMap Software is a product of Gold Bug Maps and was used to
produce the above historical boundary maps. No commercial reproduction or online usage other than this site is
permitted. Please do not violate Gold Bug's copyright to these maps.
Henry County Township Map

1875 Henry County Plat
Source: "Atlas of Henry Co. and the State of Illinois to Which is Added an Atlas of
the United States Maps of the Hemispheres &c. &c. &c., Warner & Beers Publishers, Lakeside Building
Cor. of Clark & Adams Sts., Chicago, 1875"; Submitted by Alice Gless
These maps are large and full color..loading time may vary according to your modem
speed but they are worth the wait, as they contain the names of each lot owner!
1875 Map of All Townships
Township: Northeast Section Alba Twp
Northwest Section Alba
Southeast Section Alba
Southwest Section Alba
Andover Township:
Northeast Section Andover
Northwest Section Andover
Southeast Section Andover
Southwest Section Andover
Annawan Township:
Northeast Section Annawan Twp
Northwest Section Annawan Twp
Southeast Section AnnawanTwp
Southwest Section Annawan Twp
Atkinson Township:
Northeast Section Atkinson Twp
Northwest Section Atkinson Twp
Southeast Section Atkinson Twp
Southwest Section Atkinson Twp
Burns Township:
Northeast Section Burns Twp
Northwest Section Burns Twp
Southeast Section BurnsTwp
Southwest Section Burns Twp
Cambridge Township:
Northeast Section Cambridge Twp
Northwest Section CambridgeTwp
Southeast Section Cambridge Twp
Southwest Section Cambridge Twp
Clover Township:
Eastern portion Clover Twp
Western portion Clover Twp
Colona Township:
West portion of Colona Twp; detail maps of Dayton and
North portion of Colona Twp
South portion of Colona Twp
Cornwall Township:
Northeast Section Cornwall Twp
Northwest Section Cornwall Twp
Southeast Section Cornwall Twp
Southwest Section Cornwall Twp
Edford Township:
Eastern portion Edford Twp
Western portion Edford Twp
Galva Township:
East Section Galva Twp
West Section Galva Twp
Geneseo Township:
Northeast Section Geneseo Twp
Northwest Section Geneseo Twp
Southeast Section Geneseo Twp
Southwest Section Geneseo Twp
Hanna Township:
Eastern portion Hanna Twp
Western portion Hanna Twp
Kewanee Township:
Northeast Section Kewanee Twp
Northwest Section Kewanee Twp
Southeast Section Kewanee Twp
Southwest Section Kewanee Twp
Loraine Township:
Northeast Section Loraine Twp
Northwest Section Loraine Twp
Southeast Section Loraine Twp
Southwest Section Loraine Twp
Lynn Township:
Northeast Section Lynn Twp
Northwest Section Lynn Twp
Southeast Section Lynn Twp
Southwest Section Lynn Twp
Munson Township:
Northeast Section Munson Twp
Northwest Section Munson Twp
Southeast Section Munson Twp
Southwest Section Munson Twp
Osco Township:
Northeast Section Osco Twp
Northwest Section Osco Twp
Southeast Section Osco Twp
Southwest Section Osco Twp
Oxford Township:
Eastern portion Oxford Twp
Western portion Oxford Twp
Phenix Township:
Northeast Section Phenix Twp
Northwest Section Phenix Twp
Southeast Section Phenix Twp
Southwest Section Phenix Twp
Weller Township:
East Section Weller Twp
West Section Weller Twp
Wethersfield Township:
Northeast Section Wethersfield Twp
Northwest Section Wethersfield Twp
Southeast Section Wethersfield Twp
Southwest Section Wethersfield Twp
Western Township:
Northeast Section Western Twp
Northwest Section Western Twp
Southeast Section Western Twp
Southwest Section Western Twp
Yorktown Township:
Northeast Section Yorktown Twp
Northwest Section Yorktown Twp
Southeast Section Yorktown Twp
Southwest Section Yorktown Twp
These maps are intended for personal researcher use only. No reproduction of these
maps is allowed for publication, on the internet or in hard copy form without the express permission of Henry Co
ILGenWeb Project and Alice Gless. Single copy printing for personal research and study is allowed and